Robert Ellis: City of Stones, Booklife Prize 2021
Plot: This fourth installment in the Detective Matt Jones series moves quickly and never slows down until a satisfying ending surprises the reader. The mystery is methodically solved, which makes it believable. The plot climaxes and unfolds at a steady rate that allows the reader to keep guessing about how it will end.
Prose/Style: With the implementation of the dialogue, the author maintains tension throughout the story by keeping the main character in situations where he is alone or meeting others in uncertain circumstances. Using an appropriate and relevant setting, the author has created a suspenseful tone throughout the book. The dialogue is fluid and intriguing.
Originality: Even though the book is the fourth in the series, it did not feel as though the reader needed to have read the other three in order to appreciate the book. As the story unfolds at an even pace, readers will appreciate the ending.
Character Development/Execution: A concerned main character is reliable in his decisions; strong and likable, the reader wants him to successfully solve the crime. The characters that surround him are well-rounded and intriguing.
Blurb: Fans of the first three books will not be disappointed in this skillfully plotted novel.
Sounds good so far! Let's read it!
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